Many times I use to look at my friends and wonder what I would do if I ever lost them. That question use to always bother me, but as I grew up I learned that things happen for a reason. As the years have gone by, I have watched the world turn its self upside down
trancending into a endless pit. With all the things this world puts its self through, I finally realized that we all are just a small piece of it and do not really matter. As much as I love my friends and no matter how close I think I am to them, I feel distant. I feel as though when my time runs out, will my life have been spent correctly. To tell the truth though, my life really does not matter to me. If I had to choose between my self and my friends, I would give my life in a heartbeat. There is not much in this world we can do, but we can save our friends and family. I finally realized
i'm a
gothic hero because I have a side of me
that doubts myself and this world, I would not question fighting and dying for my friends.
Top notch work, as always, Gabby!